
Aby Garvey

Just a quick reminder that my time management classis on sale for just a few more days. If you're looking to become intentional about how you spend your time, this is the class for you. But hurry, the sale ends Tuesday!

De-stress Your Morning with a New Evening Routine

Schedule changes that are forced by external events, like back to school, turning back the clock, or new evening activities, offer a terrific opportunity to intentionally add and subtract things from your existing routine. Since things are going to change anyway, why not add new habits and create a new routine that makes life easier and better? When we aren’t intentional, these transitional times can cause the organization in our home to blow up. As new daily responsibilities enter (making lunches, helping with homework, etc.) habits that were holding our home together often fall by the wayside.
If your schedule is getting ready to change, either due to an external event or by your own choice, use it as an opportunity to intentionally change your current routine. Start by focusing on creating an evening routine that will set your morning (and the rest of your day) up for success. Consider what tasks and activities, if done the night before, will get your day off to a smooth start. Here are a few ideas.

Pick out tomorrow’s outfit. When you decide what you’re going to wear the night before, it can save a lot of time, stress and drama in the morning. Encourage others in your family to do the same thing and if you have smaller children who need help, give their outfits some thought as well. Do this task early in your evening routine in case you have ironing or a quick load of laundry to do to round out tomorrow’s outfits.

Pack it up. Pack lunches, your work bag, or anything else you might normally pack in the morning, the night before. This will save time in the morning, plus it will trigger you to take care of tasks such as filling out permission slips, checking homework, or packing your workout clothes.

Tidy-up for 15 minutes. Nothing adds to the morning stress like clutter! Adding a 15-minute tidying session to your evening routine allows you to start the day with clear surfaces and a clear mind.

Finish something you started. Take a few minutes to finish up an in-process task—fold and put away today’s load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, or…

Unplug and unwind. Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime and put them on their chargers so they’re ready to go in the morning. Then, recharge your own batteries by doing something relaxing. Read a book, write in your journal, take a bubble bath, meditate or do a calming evening yoga routine. Taking steps to ensure a good night’s sleep is one of the very best ways to take the stress out of tomorrow.

What do you do each night to simplify your morning? I’d love to hear your ideas on my blog. Thanks for sharing!

Happy organizing!


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